Grapefruit Moon

Paintings in this series were created between 2018 and 2019 with Riopelle-inspired aesthetics. Dedicated to the Moon, they contemplate the mysterious beauty and meaning of this massive rock orbiting our planet, this timeless poet’s muse. The moon impacts much on earth, from ocean tides to human behaviour, inspiring millennia of culture and myth. From the astronomical to the ecclesiological, lunar calendars to space missions, the moon plays an integral role in the history of humanity. We have been serenading it, feminizing it, masculinizing it, worshipping it and dreaming of colonizing it, fascinated by the moon-earth system. Humans are obsessed and mere scientific explanations about libration, magnetic fields and gravitational forces are never enough. Was it once part of earth? Are there answers beyond what we have found? Fascinated by how civilizations have developed such differing relationships with the moon, it spins, seemingly oblivious to our curiosity, a great, big, juicy grapefruit, lighting the night sky.

To purchase artwork, please contact us here.